

Lara Lemon


Theatre includes: A Spider's Web, The Diary of Anne Frank, Love From A Stranger (Tabs Productions); Strictly Murder (Hello World Productions); Boeing Boeing (ABA Productions, Hong Kong); Rope & Equus (talkingScarlet); A Murder is Announced (National Tour); Sylvia Plath's Three Women (Assembly Rooms & Inside Intelligence) and And Then The Room Was Plunged Into Darkness (Barbican). 

Film and Television includes: Insomnia (Paramount); Off-Piste (SIFF & Chelsea NYFF Best Actress - Jack in the Box Films); The Waterhouse (Take The Shot Films); The Draw (View 35), War of the Worlds (Doorbell Productions); Blackbird (West One Entertainment); The Pugilist (Jack in the Box Films) and Lewis (ITV).

Radio includes: Alfie (BBC), Doctor Who, Callan, The Avengers, Space 1999 (Big Finish) and The Merchant of Venice (RBM).